Lots of activity on my feeders during this cold snap. Small flock of Goldfinches (6 or so) are regular visitors over the past few weeks. This Brambling appeared yesterday amongst a mixed flock of finches, appears to have moved on today. Seasons greetings to everyone. Stephen
20+ Brambling, in one flock were in the Beech trees when I arrived about 10am. They quickly dispersed as I approached and proved to be very flighty, not easy to get near enough to photograph, especially as they tended to stay high up in the trees. A handful were feeding on an Alder by the farmhouse where the road turns 90degrees, I managed a few shots before mist and cloud encroached from the east.
Thank goodness for a break in this abysmal weather. Followed up on Alans report re Black Necked Grebe, also on show a male Mandarin. Spent a while watching the feeders,lots of finches and tits, though nothing out of the ordinary.
Several of these Black darter North side of Timble Ings today, including this one and 2 mating pair. Also up to 42 Crossbills in area around Beasholme pond clearing.
Butterflies and dragonflies observed Stainburn Moor car park and nearby pool yeterday and today. Black Darter, Common Hawkers, Southern Hawkers and butterflies.