Monday 5 April 2010

Herring Gulls in Bradford TC

BOG may already know of the 'possible' breeding in 2009
of Herring Gull on the roof at the City Hall in Bradford City centre so if
you do I apologise for my tale below!!!

Firstly I walk from Nelson Street and catch the bus opposite the City Hall
on Channing Way in the city centre about 5 days a week. And also I
sometimes patrol that area as part of my beat. Last year around April/May I
saw and heard a pair of Herring Gulls in that area.

Now Common gull are regular in the city centre but not Herring. I thought
the birds were just passing through but then a few days later I saw one gull
(about 3 times ) flying over the City Hall and gradually start to descend
and finally land on the building.

2009 was a busy year for me and the incident slipped my mind. However, on
Sunday 4th of April as I was approaching the site I heard and saw 2 Herrings
flying over the same location as last year. The birds appeared to be in

When I worked for the Council I had a tour around the City Hall and the area
that faces Nelson street does have a small flat roof which is not visible
from the ground.

I will start to pay more attention to what is going on ' if anything at all


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